4月より、第3スタジオのバーチャルレッスンはMOSSA MOVEを展開いたします。
リアルレッスンでおなじみのGROUP POWER、GROUP FIGHTに加えて
ラフィットでは新しいGROUP CENTERGYがお目見えします。
Here is your caption for Group Power:
Move through every rhythm in this workout to create life-ready bodies. How? Weight training with fast repetitions builds muscle endurance. Slow-motion weight training builds muscle mass, and can help improve bone density. And combining them in this new POWER is your ticket to full-body strength!
Here is your caption for Group Fight:
Train your inner MMA fighter, starting with simple, efficient movements, then jump in to training rounds, dedicated to super-high reps of a single movement. The result: a major intensity boost. Finally, FIGHT through conditioning rounds and peaks to develop strength, cardio endurance, balance, speed, and more.
Here is your caption for Group Centergy:
In CENTERGY, challenge your legs, strengthen your core, and build some major heat, yet leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. This mind and body workout emphasizes creating extension and length through the back and hips, which will allow you to sit deeper into your poses and, most importantly, will help you move better through life.
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